Sunday, January 6, 2008

Are You Sick & Tired Of The Unhealthy Mess, Embarrassing Odor Caused By Your Cat Litter Box?

By: Sheri Davis Collins
Cat Urinating, Over, Around Litter Box? Cat Litter Box Problem? Litter Box Too Short or Shallow to work properly?
I’ve tried all kinds of litter boxes, the corner litter box, the top opening litter box, giant litter box, covered, hooded…none of them worked.
I've spent a small fortune on litter boxes attempting to solve the problem.
The most common problem stated that causes cat owners to euthanize or give their pet away is, cat urinating outside the litter box.
This can be avoided by determining if your cat has a health issue, is the litter box too dirty for the cat or is the type of litter repelling it?
Has your cat exhibited any recent changes in elimination behavior? If the cat suddenly is not using the litter box or meowing while eliminating, have it checked by your vet. There may be a health concern that needs to be corrected.
Dealing with litter box odor can be a problem.
Covered litter boxes are supposed to filter and reduce odor, but they tend to hold more odor. Most cats also find the odor unappealing and will not enter the box, they are also repelled by the perfumes and deodorizing pellets found in some litters. Additionally, if you use a bleach, strong disinfectant or ammonia the lasting odor could also deter your cat from using the box, hence going outside, around the litter box, or on the carpet.
Dirty litter boxes, pans or trays may be the cause of many litter box behavior problems. Adding baking soda to the litter may cause health issues for some cats because of its high sodium content, and when cats cover up by scratching they have a tendency to breathe the baking soda which is not healthy, so be aware.
Keep litter boxes away from air ducts, furnaces and noisy appliances may that start automatically while your cat is using it, which may cause the cat to be startled enough to make it go elsewhere.
Most litter boxes, pans and trays are designed for our convenience and not the cats. They are too small, shallow and narrow. An ideal box should be deep, tall and large enough for the cat to circle around within, with ease. Its sides should be high enough to prevent splattering on the wall. Medium to large cats, need larger pans or boxes.
Cleaning your litter box should be a relatively easy job. Use a mild cleaning solution like ivory soap or liquid castle soap, never cleaners like Lysol, bleach, ammonia and really rinse it well!!! Remember cats have a keen sense of smell and if they smell a lingering perfume odor, they won’t use the box.
Ideally, you should keep an eye on your litter box to determine when it is necessary to clean. For some cats, once a week is fine. For others it may be too long. Try and remove any waste on a daily basis, surely every 2 days. This will ensure that there will be no problems with your cat going elsewhere in the home, and avoiding the cause of odor.
Check out how I used a simple everyday item to STOP the Odor, Mess and Health Risks that can be caused by any cat’s litter box.
Article Source:
Sheri Davis Collins is a responsible pet owner for 20+ years, practicing holistic and homeopathic care. She is also the webmaster of The website for alternative views on cat health care.

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